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the goal with the good government on our side. zero human beings officially in any religion or AA in 2017 has been accomplished.  some bill and jane workforce and pedestrian or traffic species still in the inheritance / divorce scam as well as AA organizations.


2021 community church uprising. non felonious. all things usa together. anti-molestation.  no religion or worshiping or singing in the 40 minute ceremony. no jesus from budweiser is involved. 


500 best sermons ever written / spoken.  some attending once a week and some attending once a month, quarter or year.  if once a month...this experience will last almost 50 years.


zero cost to anyone human being that wishes to congregate.  20 minute post ceremony socializing mandatory. all families. with or without children. all couples. married or not married.  all individuals. single, married, widowed or dating.  old or young.  if this bothers have work to do. 


AA type group meetings deemed as a divorce / inheritance scam, illegal and slanderous... and will be illegal in 2021.  government one on one paid for counseling will be provided which will meet in groups from time to time. you will be very satisfied with the government mental health counseling schedule and program.



worldwide one church.

"community church: a non profit organization."


may your dream be realized.






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