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1. Not a pro-life “soldier” in anyway shape or form, with possible jealousy and misery, alongside possible venomous hate and a disgust for other people’s dreams.


2. We are against those that are pro-life ONLY to help them cope with their current situations.


3. Due to outrageous break ups and divorce statistics of early pregnancies, alongside a low income, we believe in a better, happier, and easier way...with better parenting, perhaps later.


4. Also, "bouncing back" from weight gain is just as easy to do at an older age.  This is a rumor that it's "difficult to lose weight". 


5. No one ever has ever felt or says...


"I'm upset that we waited to have children."


If so desired...

first concluded pregnancies, around ages 28-32 or older is what USA TOGETHER strives for. 


6.  Perhaps..."Lack of money" and "I am not to be involved." and /or "And quite frankly, I don't know who the father is...and neither does she."


7. Could be an unwanted pregancy of color.


8. If this is not you, or you don't relate, understand our test studies and statistics, as you parent, recommend, and guide wisley.


9. Having pro-life status...very much an agenda for the following:


a) "mom" pimp involvement


b) "child" pimp involvement


c) melano increase agenda


d) minority increase agenda


e) to hold back the caucasion race


f) grandparent boredom solution


g) overall molester agenda, big time


g) relationship commitment agenda and/or phony vicious circle "hook up", following through to sabatoge


h) and yes, finally, last but not least, the bisexual (gay, phony marriage) and/ or future transsexual or transsexual in need of your "adopted" baby. Who is currently getting first dibs on soon to be sold children and is 100% cocaine usage and almost 100% molester (just like the rest of the gay population...little known fact).  Some using or putting up an eminence front.


10.  You can always have a child later. This is not the end of the world or your last chance to bear children.  What a beautiful situation and medical procedure. Basically... with medical proof, elimination of a "Non-Human" that has no thoughts or feelings.


11. Religion and felonius drugs playing a card in the abortion game. Another future customer.  Another easy attack of a crack baby who cannot testify without being charged with molestation.  We are war with a nerd urban drug. Who want more crack babies on planet earth. By simply giving crack to a pregnant woman.


12. Abortion. A most definatley "high society with happiness" situation and removal of third world country agenda.


13.  "Are you glad you are alive?" agenda thwarted with a simple...."no not really or I am not quite sure!" Perhaps my soul with another family or situation could have been better...


Maybe someday.


(old website...based on reported populations...will be updating population numbers...on the new stats we finally have...

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